Episode 165: Camera+ Updates and WWDC Rumors

Warren Opheim

Warren Opheim

In this episode, we discuss the new updates to Tap Tap Tap’s app, Camera+, and we speculate on what will be announced at WWDC 2016.

News: MacRumors article WWDC 2016
Apps Mentioned: Camera+
Post Pic of the Week Winner: Warren Opheim
Lenses & Accessories – Ztylus, Olloclip, Moment Lens
Email The Show – tinyshutter@gmail.com

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2 thoughts on “Episode 165: Camera+ Updates and WWDC Rumors

  1. I can’t take exposures longer than 1/2 s. And I don’t know why. iPhone5s, iOS up to date. Slow Shutter can do even B mode (60 s exposure and more last night).

    • I found out that Camera+ can’t do longer exposures on the iPhone 5 models. I’ll be doing a video on this soon.

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