Episode 147: Will Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus Cater To Professional Photographers, and Are Journalists Ditching Their DSLRs?

Mark Staben

Mark Staben

Feature – We talked about the iPhone’s future for Professionals.

News – Cultofmac Article Apple May Release Special iPhone 7 Plus Aimed At Pro Photographers, Artsy Article Why The World’s Leading Photojounalists Are Ditching Their DSLRs To Shoot On Instagram

App Mentions – Camera+

WPC – The Weekly Photo Challenge is Panoramic, so look for more information on the Tiny Shutter Facebook Group Page.
Lenses & Accessories – Ztylus, Olloclip, Moment Lens
Email The Show – tinyshutter@gmail.com

Alpha Geek Radio – Channel 2 At 9PM EST/6PM PST

Live Show – Chat Room & Live Show Directions

Facebook – iPhonography | A Tiny Shutter Group

Google+ – Tiny Shutter Group

Instagram – Tiny Shutter Account

Episode 146: Our Thoughts On The Ztylus Lens And Case

Nigel Oconnell

Nigel Oconnell

Feature – We talked about the Ztylus Lens and Cases we got, and we concluded the “Self Portrait” Weekly Photo Challenge.

WPC – The Weekly Photo Challenge is Macro, so look for more information on the Tiny Shutter Facebook Group Page.
Lenses & Accessories – Ztylus, Olloclip, Moment Lens
Email The Show – tinyshutter@gmail.com

Alpha Geek Radio – Channel 2 At 9PM EST/6PM PST

Live Show – Chat Room & Live Show Directions

Facebook – iPhonography | A Tiny Shutter Group

Google+ – Tiny Shutter Group

Instagram – Tiny Shutter Account

Episode 145: Self Portrait and Storytelling


Dawn Redwoods in Winter @mattdevore

App Mentions – Tangled FX, PureShot,

Feature – We talked the current Weekly Photo Challenge and the challenge and difficulty it presented.
WPC – (Continued for a second consecutive week) The Weekly Photo Challenge is Self Portrait, so look for more information on the Tiny Shutter Facebook Group Page.
Lenses & Accessories – Ztylus, Olloclip, Moment Lens
Email The Show – tinyshutter@gmail.com

Alpha Geek Radio – Channel 2 At 9PM EST/6PM PST

Live Show – Chat Room & Live Show Directions

Facebook – iPhonography | A Tiny Shutter Group

Google+ – Tiny Shutter Group

Instagram – Tiny Shutter Account

Episode 144: Happy New Year & Best Of 2015



App Mentions – Slow Shutter Cam, Enlight, PS Express, Filterstorm, see the lists below for all the other apps

Feature – We talked about the Best of 2015 by Apple and iPhone Photography School.
Mac Rumors Article Periscope Named Apple’s App of the Year in Best of 2015 Chart, iPhone Photography School made a list of The 100 Best iPhone Photography Apps for 2015
WPC – The Weekly Photo Challenge is Self Portrait, so look for more information on the Tiny Shutter Facebook Group Page.Lenses & Accessories – Ztylus, Olloclip, Moment Lens

Email The Show – tinyshutter@gmail.com

Alpha Geek Radio – Channel 2 At 9PM EST/6PM PST

Live Show – Chat Room & Live Show Directions

Facebook – iPhonography | A Tiny Shutter Group

Google+ – Tiny Shutter Group

Instagram – Tiny Shutter Account