Mattless we Talk about a Photo Stream Story of an iPhone Thief and Printing iPhone Pictures

Matt is on vacation!We press on Mattless with episode 12.

NewsPhoto Stream has a purpose and here’s the fun part. WWDC gets official with rumors, and Facebook  bloats, rumors, and disappoints, who’s to blame?

Featured – A listener question about printing iPhone pictures takes center stage.

Focus Points – Mark gets wood, and Keith gets blurry.

Postagram has offered up more Promo Codes for the Tiny Shutter users! Use them to send us a postagram and enter yourself into the iPhone Shutter Grip give away. Learn more in this episode!

Marc States the Obvious: Facebook Camera App

Facebook Camera

It seems like all the tech news outlets are gushing over the new Facebook camera app. It’s awesome, it works great, blah, blah, blah.

Here’s my two cents.

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Four Inches, Tough Luck Kodak, and iPhone Wedding photography with Jerry Ghionis

Ladies and Gentlemen sit your apps down and listen to episode 11.

NewsDoes size matter? Apple gets multi touch focus patent, Kodak takes another hit, and Postagram teams up with Operation Gratitude, get 3 free Instagrams to send to Service men and women overseas.

Featured – An awesome interview with Jerry Ghionis as he talks about his iPhone photography and a wedding album of images shot on his iPhone 4s that he entered into the 2012 WPPI wedding album of the year contest.
Jerry’s links:

Focus PointsMark has HOPE, Keith is Still, and Matt goes Der….

Marc States the Obvious: The Instagram Camera

With the invention of something really cool comes the fans that want to talk about that cool thing. Heck, we’re in that mix because we love iPhoneography! Instagram is no different.

Also in the mix are the people that want to profit from said phenomenon.  Around Instagram is a plethora of services ranging from web pages to view photos, printing photos, it goes on and on. But one man wants to make something a little… different.

Behold, the Instagram camera.

Continue reading

See the Light, Panning, Spooky Pictures, and Instacanvas Equals Yes

Ladies and Gentlemen put your hands together for episode 10.

NewsMozilla working on mobile OS, Tiger whines about cell phone camera clickers at TPC, WSJ reporting iCloud/photo stream rumors, Jail breakers get options from camera shortcut, and Picfx v.4 goes live literally while we are recording.

Featured – Tips/tutorials/photo journeys

Focus Points – Mark doesn’t like LensLight, Keith mentions 645 Pro v. 1.11, and Matt gets an InstaCanvas.

Does Verizon Hate the iPhone, Fan Mail, and a Tripod Listener Question

Welcome to episode 9.

News – Verizon sales associates actively steering customers away from the iPhone, iOS 5.1.1 hits the street, and IEEE will begin ranking camera phone image quality. Instagram surpasses 50 million users and pulls up the E-brake.

Fan Mail! – Thanks to Kristen, Alan Jenny & Alexis, Blaine, and Fan from Tacoma for the awesome Postagrams! Use promo code TinyShutter and get two free Postagrams, if you send one to us we’ll add you in the running for Keith’s iPhone Shutter Grip.

Featured – A brief discussion of Keith’s Belkin iPhone Shutter Grip review here on Tiny Shutter.

Listener Question – @iPhoneFarmer wrote in this week with a question about tripod mount options for the iPhone using the Mophie Juice Pack . Mark suggested getting the Telephoto kit from Photojojo that comes with a mount that would work. Matt suggested the Capta from Adorama, And Keith suggested a Manfrotto Super Clamp . Other option are the Camarush and Phoneboat Slide.

Focus Points – Matt talks about FilterStorm and Keith suggests Mobitog.

Belkin iPhone Shutter Grip Review

UPDATE: We are giving away the iPhone Shutter Grip that we used for this review to a lucky Tiny Shutter fan, learn how on episode 9.

When I saw the iPhone Shutter Grip on Photojojo I did the same thing I often do when I see a neat or cool product, I get excited then I confuse want with need and I buy it with little or no research. Like I did with that stupid tiny digital camera 🙁 . Sometimes I will research it and still buy it, but in this case I bought the product without even reading the description. I mention this because listed as the last bullet point feature on the Photojojo product page is what makes this accessory nearly useless for me.

The Pros – Having a useable shutter but placed in a placed in the traditional location is a clear pro. The grip is pretty comfortable, though I think it could easily be next leveled ergonomically. Having dedicated buttons for camera and video independent of each other is very nice and useful. Having the Belkin LiveAction camera app start up automatically when the grip is installed is a nice quick step saved.

The Cons – This grip can only be used with the Belkin LiveAction Camera app, and this is a huge HUGE drawback. In retrospect it makes perfect sense that the grip wouldn’t be able to operate other camera apps, and I can be understanding of that. But the Belkin camera app is more basic then even the standard ‘Image Picker Camera’ that other apps default to. I will even go so far as to call the app an outright fail. Sadly a good product in the grip is completely marginalized by an app that seems like it could’ve been coded by a grade school kid. The app is glitchy, slow, and I’ve read reports of incessant crashing from some users.

Final Thoughts –  I would strongly recommend holding off on this product until the app has been updated to contain a feature set that should accompany such a product. Without an upgraded app all this grip does is turn your iPhone into a cheap $40 point and shoot.

What’s Wrong With Instagram Today? Breaking News!

NOTE: This post was related to a previous Instagram Outage. If you’re coming here to complain about Instagram, feel free to let us know that something is wrong. However, we are NOT tech support, and we have no affiliation with Instagram.

And listen to the Tiny Shutter Podcast. Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, or Alpha Geek Radio.

Update 6/30/12 17:30 : Instagram is back up! Yay!

Update 6/30/12 13:00 : My Instagram feed has updated but will not allow uploads. #GettingThere

UPDATE 6/30/12 12:00 :Amazon has continued to update their AWS with information about continuing outages related to the N. Virginia Cloud server. These outages have been caused by violent storms that knocked out power to hundreds of thousands and killing 5 people. Amazon’s most recent update:We are continuing our recovery efforts for the remaining EC2 instances and EBS volumes. We are beginning to successfully provision additional Elastic Load Balancers.

Are you a Tiny Shutter Fan?

UPDATE 6/30/12 08:00 : Instagram has been down since @ 23:00 eastern time 6/29/12. The cause of the outage is an Amazon Elastic Cloud server in N. Virginia that has apparently been affected by severe thunder storms in the area. Instagram has tweeted a generic statement acknowledging the outage
– @InstagramHelp
We’re currently experiencing technical difficulties and we’re working to correct the issues. Thanks for your patience

As usual IG has avoided offering any information regarding the outage to the > 1M fans on their Facebook page, IG has updated their wall with a brief description of the cause of the issue. Netflix, Pinterest, and a host of other services are feeling the outage. The latest update from Amazon is: Jun 30, 4:42 AM PDT We are continuing to work to recover the remaining EC2 instances, EBS volumes and ELBs.

EDIT: If you found your way to this page because Instagram is giving you grief by not updating, add your 2 cents to the comment section. We want to know… because odds are we’re feeling the same pain.

Breaking News! What’s wrong with Instagram today? Complaints and questions from frustrated users are piling up on IG’s Facebook page. Messages to the IG help desk have been un-answered to this point and if you’re dwelling on it, the problems may appear to be becoming more severe.
Current issues involved include:

  • Feed not refreshing
  • Profiles not loading
  • unable to upload photos
  • unable to follow users
  • data not refreshing

What kind of issues are you having? add them in the comments below.
Have you received any response from Instagram or found other info related to the issues?

Do you think this has something to do with Android?
Do you think this has something to do with Facebook?

National Photography Month, Interview, and Iphone Beers and Bras

Episode 8 is live.

News – On this light week in news we mention National Photography month, Instagram NYC hosts first ever exibit at W Times hotel. Need an iPhone holder? There’s a Bra for that, and the 645 Pro v1.1 update.

Featured – This week we have an interview with Mike Hardaker, owner of and maker of 645 Pro for iOS. In this interview Mike talks with us about his history in photography, the challenges of making photography apps, his drive behind 645 PRO and his other apps, as well as offering us some behind the scenes app knowledge and a great photography tip.

Focus Points – Matt talks about LensFlare, Marc plugs his buddy’s Instagram, Keith likes beer.

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